My kids hurt my feelings all the time, but no more so when
they accuse me of trying to poison them with rotten food. I don’t. However, in
an effort to be thrifty, I do sometimes serve them delicious meals with mature
ingredients. Apparently I’ve done this enough times to where they now have the
audacity to question my cooking.
“Is this food rotten?” one of them
will ask.
“It’s not rotten.” I will respond,
my heart broken. “I would never serve you rotten food. That’s disgusting.”
Unconvinced, they will then rummage
in the trash like a night beast. “Bro! The package on these little weenies says
the due date was, like, five days ago!”
“But that doesn’t mean they’re
rotten! I’ve told you this before, eating food after the ‘sell-by’ date is not
the same thing as eating spoiled food.”
“I’m not eating this. This is
“It’s not that poisonous - the
preservatives, yes, those might be toxic at high temperatures - but I would
never feed you actually rotten food!”
And I wouldn’t, and, as any retired
grocer will tell you, the “sell-by” dates are not some magic day when food
suddenly becomes toxic. As Jerry Seinfeld famously taught us in one of his
early jokes, it’s not as if the cows all get together and decide when the milk
is going to spoil. In fact, despite living in a country with all kinds of rules
governing all kinds of human behavior, outside of baby formula, there are no
federal regulations concerning food freshness. Thus, milk that is taken off the
shelves in one state and deemed unsuitable to drink might stay on shelves for
days later in a less bougie state where people have more respect for hard
working cows.
The reality is, if you’re wondering
if the milk is spoiled or if the meat is rotten or if you should eat
questionable food, use your senses and make a logical decision based on human
reasoning. Smell it. Does it make you want to throw up? If it does, don’t eat
it. Under most circumstances, your body is not going to allow you to poison
Thus, we arrive finally (and
mercifully) to the actual point of this questionable column: we must rely once
again on our God-given reason to make sense of this world, and that’s because
it’s becoming increasingly difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not.
As just one fiery example out of
thousands, during the Los Angeles disaster earlier this year, fake pictures
were shared on social media of the Hollywood sign on fire. Except that it
wasn’t. And while this may seem like a harmless hoax, when such a picture is
shared and then re-shared exponentially in real time, it’s potentially
dangerous because some real humans were trying to move away from the real fires
while other real humans were trying to find the real fires and stop them.
The last thing any of them needed
was cruel nonsense guised as wit.
And even while the fires were still
spreading, we were inundated with insane origin stories, from space lasers to
diabolical social engineering. Los Angeles, though, is technically a desert.
Considering the dry conditions, high winds, and densely populated residential areas
- many of them with very little in the way of fire mitigation - such a
disaster, (whether it was arson, accident, or combination of both) is entirely
within the realm of reason.
What is not reasonable,
unfortunately, is relying entirely on what we see and hear in the mass media to
make sense of the world. Now, because of the advent of A.I. enhanced “deep
fake” technology - video and audio recording - once considered the gold
standard to determine the objective reality of something, must also be consumed
with skepticism.
Granted, we’ve always been given an
edited version of reality. (Even a neighbor offering a firsthand account of a
traffic accident will choose which details to highlight, omit, and embellish.)
Up until a few years ago, however, we could at least say, “Well, unless I see
it with my own eyes or hear it with my own ears, I won’t believe it.” Now,
though, you can do both and still need to question what happened.
It is unsettling, but it’s not
hopeless. However, it will require us to
pause and use the human reason we’ve been given. It will require us to “smell
the news,” so to speak - regardless of where it comes from - before chugging
from the jug.
First and foremost, we need to be
honest with ourselves as it pertains to our own biases, and how those biases
influence our perception of reality. Everyone is biased; it’s hardwired into
the system. When it comes to processing information, however, our biases often
get in the way of reasoned evaluation.
Secondly, when processing
information, whether it’s from a major television network or a podcast uploaded
from down the street, ask yourself, “Does this even make sense? Does this
information jive with what I know about human history, human nature, and the
basic laws of physics?” This is why - despite some belief to the contrary -
having a well-educated public is crucial to the health of a democracy.
Finally - and this is the same thing
I tell my students - we must check our sources, and yes, we should have
multiple sources. I realize everyone has their favorite little niche where they
get most of their news, but not all media outlets are created equal, and
getting news from social media is like finding a prom date based on the
vulgarities scrawled on a restroom stall. It’s a bad idea.
In closing, I would never feed my
kids rotten food…on purpose. However, those serving up the media we’re
ingesting don’t always have the same scruples. Choose wisely.
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