March 26, 2022



A year ago, after months of worry and weeks of tests, Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. For a very short season we lived in twilight, daydreaming scenarios where he defeated the cancer; imagining months, perhaps years, of treatment and recovery. That fiction soon ended, however, and it seemed that even before we could process one shocking reality another took its place. Dad left us before the planting was even done. He didn’t get to see how full his grain bins would get that fall.

And that was maybe his best and saddest lesson - we sow for harvests we won’t quite make.

March 4, 2022

...such times...


Armchair analysis from a middle-aged American whose only military experience comes from Nerf warfare might sound a little trite—because it is. However, if you’re interested, here are some thoughts:

To begin with, any long term conclusion to this horror that leaves Vladimir Putin in power is unacceptable. I understand that there may need to be diplomatic off-ramps to stop the killing that allow him to keep his job in the short term, but he has to go. Ideally this removal comes from within Russia, but he has to go. We’ve given him the benefit of the doubt for two decades and four presidents, and, yet, here we are. 

    An argument can be made that his behavior is simply an inevitable response to NATO expansion, but that's like blaming the window maker for the broken glass. A nation is being shattered on live television, and those holding the clubs should be held accountable.

Secondly, the Cold War is over. Generations of Europeans have lived most of their lives - some of them their entire lives - during the uneasy truce that followed World War II. Two weeks ago Russia destroyed that peace and replaced it with tremendous suffering.

We already know the people of Ukraine are willing to suffer for their homeland. We already know that Russians willing to speak out on this atrocity are willing to suffer and make sacrifices for the sake of truth. Might our only sacrifice in this country be shelled retirement funds and exploding gas prices? 

Heaven help us.

Finally, pray.

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