December 30, 2019

2019: A Very Short and Basic Review

Reflecting back on 2019, I honestly think my greatest accomplishment was convincing my son to decorate his room in Spider-Man. (Here are some pictures demonstrating how it turned out, but I could have just described it to you with one word: Spider-Man.)

This was not my only “win,” though. I changed the faucet in the kitchen sink without any help. I survived a jelly fish attack down in Alabama, and I drove to Colorado without losing my family.  The Spider-Man décor, however, besides just being cool looking and fun, also reinforced the idea that my son and I have much in common.

Yes, he does take after his mother in most respects. He’s great at math, singularly focused, and has learned how to tune me out, but he also shares many of my interests as well. This year we said “good bye” to Iron Man, Captain America, Luke, Leia and Rey. We went on multiple bike rides on the TREC trail near our house. We had many catches in the back yard, we watched the Cardinals finally make it back into the post-season, and, if it wasn’t for his persistence, I would likely have waited a few more days before subscribing to Disney +.

In closing, I like my other two kids, too. They’re great, we’re all great, but I did not see either of them decorating their room with any of the cultural icons from my youth, so, to them I say, “Maybe next year.” In the meantime, my son and I will be watching The Mandalorian (the hype is real; it's awesome) and waiting for Marvel’s Phase Four.

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